COVID-19 Alert: Our Commitment to Our Employees and Clients
Thank you for entrusting the First Systems & Resources companies; Brandscape, RaceBase, Good Soil and Mailing Services of Virginia (MSV), as your business process outsource partners for promotional products, apparel, commercial printing, direct mail, office supplies, e-commerce, and inventory management.
Given the current outbreak of COVID-19 and the unprecedented impact the virus is having on business operations, we want to take this opportunity to share our Business Continuity Plan with you.
Our client operations, commercial printing, USPS mail and inventory management distribution center will continue to operate and fulfill our client's critical business processes throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Our client support teams are equipped to seamlessly connect with our enterprise solution, their colleagues and our clients, in a secure and productive manner while working remotely at any time. We are confident in our ability to continue to serve your business and the normal channels of communication will not change.
- Our production and distribution teams will continue to operate and deliver our client solutions on site. Safety is our top priority and plans are in place to ensure employee safety, including education and workflow reengineering to increase social spacing and decrease employee overlap by spreading the delivery of our services across multiple shifts.
As your organization considers business continuity and the ability to sustain your operations in this environment, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to support your business and assist if you recognize opportunities, identify deficiencies or are looking to improve services to your clients or business.
Thank you, and best wishes,
Matt Hegemier